On the Road Again
Well, back in the damn car. Tomorrow morning, my father will drive me up to Victoria, maybe never to return permanently to the States. Shall see. I'm already sick to death of traveling and living out of giant tupperware. But I'm not ready to stop running just yet, either. I need a fresh start, in a place where I haven't any ex-girlfriends.

Depresses me, sometimes. I never wanted any of this, but Stacey is gone, and the last thing I want to do is crash D's life to compensate. I need to rebuild alone, on my terms. I just hope I'll be a bit smarter about it this time, and that sometime in the not-too-distant future, I'll meet someone I can love and trust.
# by Chris @ 12:42 PM
...so did it work out for you? the love and trust thing?...I sure hope so cause it's working for me...  
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