His legs are strong, but his mind is gone
In between praying down hurricanes on godless Floridians and calling for Hugo Chavez's assassination, televangelist Pat Robertson has found time to leg press 2,000 lbs., a feat of strength so unbelievable that, well, no one believes him.

I am troubled by your dismal lack of faith, people. Has Pat ever led you astray before? Back in March, he raised the alarm about the threat posed by liberal professors:
They are racists, murderers, sexual deviants and supporters of Al Qaeda - and they could be teaching your kids!

These guys are out-and-out communists. They are radicals. They are, you know, some of them killers, and they are propagandists of the first order. You don't want your child to be brainwashed by these radicals. [snip] Not only brainwashed but beat up - they beat people up, cower them into submission. [video here]
And man, oh man was he right on with that. As a student at the University of Texas, I was personally cowered (sic) into submission by marauding bands of lefty academics on several occasions. They repeatedly stole my lunch money to redistribute among the homeless, and some even molested me whilst chanting subversive passages from Chomsky. There are, um, "multiple witnesses."
# by Chris @ 12:40 PM